Saturday 29 November 2014

Aussie Critters

Having discovered that I can upload pictures via the public internet at Stockland shopping centre in Townsville, stand by for a more photographic post this time!

One of the most exciting aspects of Australia, for me at least, is the wildlife. I love animals: fluffy mammals, feathery birds, beautiful butterflies or cool reptiles, I just love them all! Australia obviously has some pretty unique wildlife to get to know, and for me just seeing the wonderful creatures, and being in proximity to them, makes me feel happy. It’s a great (and cheap!) remedy for any homesickness or settling-in blues that I might feel, I just head outside and feel the wonder of nature.

SO, I wanted to introduce you to some of the creatures I have been enjoying while I’ve been here! I have seen others too, but failed to get photos, and some photos still need sorting... So I’m sure there will be another post of this nature (excuse the pun!) in the future!  (and just wait for the Maggie Island post - I can't wait to share those photos!!)   :)

These were the first unusual (for me) birds that I saw when we arrived. This is an Australian Ibis. We also have Straw Necked Ibis here - I'll get photos at some point :)
I saw these iconic cuties when out for a walk. They weren't at all bothered by me being so close to them, and I've since read that Kookaburras can get so cheeky that they will actually pinch food from people's barbecues!

There are loads of these freshwater turtles in the Ross River, which runs through Townsville - and right next to our apartment complex.

This is a Brush Turkey. They are quite odd looking!

This was very exciting for me - seeing emus!! And baby emus too!! We were taking a day trip inland to Charters Towers, and I spotted these from the car. One argument later, and I had 'persuaded' my husband to turn back so that we could pull over and take a look at them! So glad we did, as it seems not that many people get to see them (not people I've met so far, anyway).

This was another exciting spot from the return journey on the same trip - my first kangaroo! She even has a joey in her pouch (visible as the bulge beneath her tail). They were both watching us as we pulled up the car, but of course she turned around and hopped off before I could take the photo!

A cute little lizard! I've seen lots of lizards here, but being so warm they have plenty of energy and can run off really quickly!

These little beauties are rapidly becoming some of my favourite birds - they are so friendly and cheeky, they remind me a lot of my late pet budgie Casper. These Rainbow Lorikeets hang out together in groups, and at dusk and early dark, they gather together in the trees and make lots of noise with their lively chatter! They also enjoy swooping you for fun when you're riding your bike!

This handsome bird is a Red Tailed Black Cockatoo. I had never seen or heard of these before - the first I knew was when I came across a group of them on the cycle track when I was out on my bike exploring. They flew up into the tree before I could get a could shot of them. They really are magnificent (although they make a hideous screaming noise!) this one is a female with that yellow patterning, while the males have vivid scarlet-red feathers under their wings, which flash as they fly. They're really big too - small seagull-sized perhaps. Amazing!!

I hope you have enjoyed this quick introduction to some of the animals I share my new home town with! There will be plenty more photos though - I just need to sort them out and get them posted :)

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